1496 Smyrna Rd #15, Elgin, SC 29045


Living area size:
Interior Finishes:
Low VOC Paint
Windows, Doors, Roof:
Energy Efficient Windows (whole house)
Insulation & Sealing:
Radiant Barrier Attic Insulation, Attic Insulation (R50+), Air Sealing (whole house)
Advanced Framing Techniques
Water Efficiency:
Tankless, gas water heater
Energy Star Rated Appliances
Smart Technology:
Home Automation System, Whole House Home Automation
Radiant Floor Heat, High Efficiency Furnace & Boiler (AFUE 90%+ ), Programmable Thermostat
SHAIR Score Value:

Sage Features (eco & smart)

Energy Star, HERS Rated
Sage Score:
The Sage Score is a measure of a home’s overall features. 44
Livability Categories:
Potential Benefits:
High Efficiency Furnace & Boiler (AFUE 90%+ )
- Cost Savings of 11% in energy use, or $27/yr in the southern US.

Radiant Floor Heat
- Health Benefits include improved air quality as allergens are not distributed.

Programmable Thermostat
- Cost Savings as much as 10%-30% on heating and cooling bills. 

Home Automation System
- Cost Savings vary, but coupled with smart bulbs and thermostats, Home Automation systems save energy, cut utility costs over time, and monitor water usage helping to prevent exorbitant water bills.

Low VOC Paint
- Health Benefits include a reduction in hazardous chemicals emissions.
- Eco Benefits include a reduction of the 16% of VOC emissions that come from the paint industry and increase in urban smog.

Advanced Framing Techniques
- Cost Savings of up to $1,000 in materials and 5% in annual heating and cooling costs.
- Eco Benefits include optimized lumber use, and improved energy performance of the building envelope.

Energy Efficient Windows (whole house)
- Cost Savings of 12% in energy, or $100-$274/yr.
- Eco Benefits include reduced energy usage which reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

Attic Insulation (R50+)
- Cost Savings of up to 5% in energy usage.

Radiant Barrier Attic Insulation
- Cost Savings of 5% to 10% in warm, sunny climates, by reducing summer heat gain.
- Eco Benefits include reflecting radiant heat, rather than absorbing it, due to its highly reflective material.

Air Sealing (whole house)
- Cost Savings of $83-$166/yr in energy costs.


