238 Macduff Ln, Weaverville, NC 28787


Living area size:
Lot Size:
Building year:
Number of Floors:
Property Features:
Multi-Family Buildings:
Shared Laundry
Indoor LED lights (whole house)
Insulation & Sealing:
Insulation (R19+), Spray Foam Insulation
Landscape & Patio:
Drought Tolerant or Native Plants
Energy sources:
Solar system
Solar kW:
10.2 K
Water Sources:
Well Water Source
Water Efficiency:
Water efficient toilets
Dishwasher, Refrigerator, Energy Star rated Clothes Washer, Clothes Dryer: Electric, Energy Star Rated Appliances, Electric Stove, Other - Laundry Room Appliance
Smart Technology:
Smart Thermostat
Ventilation & Air Quality:
Whole House Ventilation System (HRV/ERV), HVAC Air Filtration System
Radiant Floor Heat, High Efficiency Furnace & Boiler (AFUE 90%+ ), Programmable Thermostat
Walk Score Value:
SHAIR Score Value:
Walkable Community
*Average Electric Utility Cost per Month:

Sage Features (eco & smart)

Sage Score:
The Sage Score is a measure of a home’s overall features. 37
Livability Categories:
Potential Benefits:
Solar system
- Cost Savings of up to $750/year or $15000 over 20yrs on energy costs.
- Eco Benefits with reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Indoor LED lights (whole house)
- Cost Savings of up to $75/yr in energy costs when replacing 5 incadescent bulbs with ENERGY STAR light bulbs.

Water efficient toilets
- Cost Savings averaging $110/yr.
- Eco Benefits like saving between 20%-60% in water use.

High Efficiency Furnace & Boiler (AFUE 90%+ )
- Cost Savings of 11% in energy use, or $27/yr in the southern US.

Radiant Floor Heat
- Health Benefits include improved air quality as allergens are not distributed.

Programmable Thermostat
- Cost Savings as much as 10%-30% on heating and cooling bills. 

HVAC Air Filtration System
- Health Benefits may include improved cardiovascular and respiratory health.

Smart Thermostat
- Cost Savings of up to $83/yr in energy costs.

Whole House Ventilation System (HRV/ERV)
- Cost Savings with reduced heating and cooling costs.
- Health Benefits include minimizing outdoor pollutants, back drafting of combustion gases from fireplaces or appliances, and removing moisture and pollutants.

HVAC Air Filtration System
- Cost Savings from reduced HVAC equipments costs and on-going energy savings costs when added to a smaller HVAC system.

Energy Star rated Clothes Washer
- Cost Savings of 25% in energy and 33% in water that can save $35/yr in utility costs.
- Eco Benefits include a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

Drought Tolerant or Native Plants
- Eco Benefits as little to no supplemental watering is needed.

Insulation (R19+)
- Cost Savings vary, but energy costs are reduced.
- Eco Benefits include reduced significant heat loss through exterior walls.

Spray Foam Insulation
- Cost Savings include reduced air leakage and its associated heating and cooling costs.
- Health Benefits inlude limiting the infiltration of allergens and pollutants.


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